You can now book your 2021 holiday on our website, dates have been added up to January 2022 

Click on the menu heading “Make a Booking”, search by date and choose your accommodation. You can book for a weekend, a mid-week break or a full week in one of our five yurts or in our Lake House. We’re also offering Christmas and New Year stays in the Lake House with a minimum of 3 nights.
Of course if you’d prefer to have a chat, give us a call on 01600 860723 and we can book you in over the phone.
We are not taking any whole site or all adult group bookings this year due to covid and the problems maintaining social distancing.
Currently there are restrictions on the sharing of overnight accommodation by more than one household
As and when the Welsh, English and UK governments relax this and other social distancoing restriction we will review or anti covid policy.
Hopefully with the lockdown and roll out of the vaccines, we will be able to get to a form of normal soon.
Stay safe and stay well.